What benefits are covered under workers’ compensation?
The benefits that are covered in workers’ compensation claims are temporary total disability, permanent disability, all benefits related to medical costs, and, if applicable, vocational rehabilitation. What is not covered is pain and suffering and future earning capacity.
What happens when my employer does not have workers’ compensation insurance
In many cases, unfortunately, employers are in violation of the law and do not have workers’ compensation insurance. In those cases, an employee still has the right to seek benefits through the Uninsured Employers Fund which is a special fund that is setup by the State of California where people who are injured and… Read More »
How can I predesignate a doctor for workers’ compensation?
In most employers, there is a method in which a person can, before they have been injured, are able to assign who they would choose as an orthopedic doctor to treat them in case of an injury.
Can I use my own doctor for my workers’ compensation case?
In a workers’ compensation case, you may use your own pre-designated doctor if you have done just that and pre-designated that doctor before an injury. In most cases, people have not pre-designated a doctor, and they must use an employer-referred doctor for the first 90 days.
How much do workers’ compensation benefits pay?
When am injured worker has been declared temporary totally disabled, the workers’ compensation insurance is obligated to pay 2/3 of their normal salary. For example, if an average worker made $100 a day, they would receive $66.66 a day while they are on temporary total disability, which is 2/3 of their salary. This, although… Read More »
What is workers’ compensation and how does it work?
Workers’ compensation is a system that is created to protect workers who have been injured on the job. They will receive benefits while they’re unable to work and receive the medical treatment that they’re entitled to all in an effort to rehabilitate them back to work.
How long does a workers’ compensation case stay open?
A worker’s compensation case can stay open forever. In fact, there are two types of methods in which a worker’s compensation case is concluded. One is by stipulation, where it is stipulated how much permanent disability an injured worker has, and that person can return to work, receive the benefits that he’s entitled to… Read More »
What happens when the doctor declares you have reached Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)?
After you’ve been declared maximally, medically improved, then begins the analysis of how much permanent disability shall be assigned to your injury, and that is when it’s crucial to have a workers compensation attorney advocating to determine whether or not the doctor’s decision is fair and complete.
What is Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)?
Maximum Medical Improvement, MMI, is the standard which doctors who work within the workers’ compensation system have reached the conclusion that your case, your condition is not going to worsen and it’s not going to get any better, that you have reached what used to be called, Permanent and Stationary, and now, Maximum Medical… Read More »
Who is eligible for workers’ compensation benefits?
Any employee who is injured in the course and scope of their employment is eligible to claim worker’s compensation benefits.