Governor Gavin Newsom Signs Executive Order Helping Frontline Workers Who Contract COVID-19

Governor Gavin Newsom’s signed an executive order today that helps protect frontline workers who contract COVID-19 on the job:
Millions of workers across California are battling on the Frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, risking their lives simply by going to work. These heroes deserve to know they’ll be protected and have the safety net of workers’ compensation to take care of their medical needs if they get infected with Covid19.
Our workers’ compensation system is able to help/remedy some of these workers who may not have health insurance through their employers or may not have a viable health plan that would cover such a disease. Ensuring medical treatment, disability indemnity and death benefits are covered for all essential workers.
Governor Gavin Newsom’s signed an order that provides immediate relief to all essential workers who have been or will be diagnosed with COVID-19 during the covered period.
This order ensures all essential employees who contract COVID-19 while on the job can get fast and effective health care through no expense of your own.The order covers all essential service workers and will be applied retroactively beginning March 19, 2020, the date of Governor Newsom’s first shelter-in-place order, expiring 60 days from today.
Workers’ compensation benefits covered under the order include temporary disability for up 2 years, permanent disability benefits for any long-term/permanent injuries or disability caused by COVID-19, and death benefits.